Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Or something along those lines...

Well i have 1 day left in the great white north... and i must admit... i am sad to go.

But please dont get me wrong, I love my life in the UK... but when it all boils down, i love my fam and mates here in the land of ice and snow. I live a life of torn alliances! Oooo Torn Alliances... sounds like a nice title for a video game that has a 2 page splash in PCGamer but you never actually see on the shelves... ever.

Its a week since the food day. I have done SO much since then... heres my recap.. not necessarily in this order... in fact not at all.

Ive seen 2 movies... Cars and Napoleon Dynamite. Enjoyed both. If you disagree with my enjoyment tough shit.

Spent an amazing day in Banff... for the first time in my adult life i spent a day in banff NOT escorting someone around attempting to woo them with canada. Not that canada needs the help, but I do... Banff is a booster shot for my attempts to import future wives apparently.

Spent way too much time in Malls. Chinook Mall to be precise... and spent a shedload of cash... I am now broke and the month isnt even half over.. yay for me.

Revisted my Uni, and spied out the possibilities of furthering my career! More to come on that little foray.. but im not sure i want to divulge as yet.

Refreshed friendships with people i havent seen in years and remembered why i love them so much. This doesnt include P4J as i didnt actually need to remember.. i already knew i loved him.

Umm... lesse what day is it... *mutter... count fingers..... mutter... stare into space vacantly... mutter* ok... reREvisited same friends to get a double whammy visit in.

O YEAH!!! god i have a shit memory... spent a really great evening with the Tisdale and his very hot wife at a comedy club thing... this was my first time at a comedy club thing and was more than pleased with the faux brick wall and the comics and their shticks. LOVED it. And found a restaurant that is Gluten free. Im not gluten intolerant.. but i know loads of ppl who are.

Then... today... P4J scared the shit outta me with a lovely story about a guy who contracted Allergic Fungal Sinusitis. This particularly freaky story involved some poor fucker who got bread mould in his sinus cavity... and some plucky docs had to cut him up to get it out... and as they scooped deteriorated tissue out of his face they found that it just kept going... soon... the dood had no face... he had a fist sized/shaped hole where his eyes/nose/mouth were... how lovely. Now he breathes via trache... and his wife leads him by the hand. I thought... ya right paj.. you sick fuck... but o no. http://www.emedicine.com/ENT/topic510.htm That isnt a link to the particular case study but does actually document various other ones... *shiver*

I dont care how hungry or lazy i feel. Nor will i trust the all consuming fires of my toaster to sterilized the violent penicillan spores.

I also beat the socks off the pajman with the lesyks cheese army. It was both fun and sorta not fun... i dont like making paj pout... he used to pout alot.. hes not pouting alot now... i prefer him nonpouty... and although the grey days of hotboxing camels in a beat up saab are historic.. the bleaks of basement jaxx and minor bouts of starvation are happily put behind me/us. The sneaky smile and eye twinkle I see is so welcome and fuzzy making that i can only smile back and thank the lovely Ms D. whom ive yet to meet.

I also bought socks.

One day left... and then... back to the land of mould and mildew... but this time with my father in tow!! huzzah! and then... later... my mom as well!! it will be nice to have them back at the flat with me... sort of ease me back into my life... and hopefully assisting me with my newfound me'ness. :)

well... umm.. i think im done now... i know theres other stuff... but i reckon that should be saved for another day! as i cant remember it all right now... its lateish. And i get one last run with P4J before 'the lag of the jet 2 - Time goes BACKWARDS'. yay.




Blogger Lolabola* said...

Banff! sometimes you can actually miss it, like the Stampede. (no really it's possible)

eeewwww to the sinus story

glad to hear you had a great trip

3:58 pm  
Blogger Lolabola* said...

It took me a minute to register the huzzah! are you a flashman fan by any chance?

4:05 pm  
Blogger Marcus Dunning said...

banff... i love... its removed enough from my everyday life (even when i lived here) that it was always a treat. Didnt see any wildlife this time except for an obese raven.

Honestly, Huzzah is just a word i use cuz i like it. It has oomph i guess. Cant recall where i picked it up. I used to say SHAZAM! but got too many funny looks.

5:56 am  

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