Thursday, June 01, 2006

Living Dead

I am zombie hear me gurgle...

Jetlags well and truly unpleasant. Mind you, this leg of the trip is helluva lot easier than going back. And i have to work the next day when i get back... o joy o fun.

Ya know what? I love blogger an all that.. and it has actually started me writing and enjoying writing... but my one gripe is have no idea what sort of traffic fungus gets... I know i have 3 semi regular readers now... which is lovely... but i would still write even if noone read it... I would probably write more tho... or at least with less restraint. Not that i have much of that... but... well blah.

I wish i could blog from my phone!!! no.. wait no i dont.. i hate texting... and it would be such a long arduous journey down predictive text that i reckon i would be hurling objects, inanimate and otherwise, at passersbye.

O due to recent musings and conversations ive decided to drop ticketyboo from my regular use of words. This will now ONLY be reserved for descriptions of engines running well and possibly in connection with Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. I think i will move onto a new word... honkydory. Similar but different. And has possible racist connotations! Retro words are cool. I may try to bring 'Hum Dinger' back into vogue... trendsetter that i am, i expect to hear Jeremy Clarkson use 'Hum Dinger' to describe the new audi.

Well i went for a very warm and sunny morning walk to starbucks. Sat down with a Rasberry/Rhubarb pastry thing... (tasty but messy) and read some of the collected short stories of Haruki Murakami. Haruki, for those of you who havent heard me laud his praises, is truly laud praiseworthy. Please excuse any types as im on a very peculiar keyboard and things are just barely stuttering along here. Yes, Haruki, the man is a genius. Yes people say 'ooo he/shes a genius!!!' all the time but really, i dont think we truly understand the full meaning of the word. Technically a genius is someone whos iq is over 125 or something. That would mean that most of my friends are geniusi. (geniusi sounds much better than geniuses). I suppose i could lump myself in there too.

But a true genius, the non run of the mill type, the kind of person whos work and mind produce something so incredible and possibly awe-inspiring are so few and far between. In todays society of mass info in record googled time, genius is usually glossed over, blurred out and in general lost. They still do their genius things but our attention span is ever dwindling. I think Haruki has publish around a dozen books... Most of which have been translated. I think i have 2 of them left. And all of them deserve my attention for at least 2 more readings each. Mind you i suppose genius, like beauty, is in the mind of the beholder. One mans genius, especially when it comes to writing i reckon, would be another mans boredom/paperweight.

I would heartily reccomend anything by haruki but ive become slightly tentative on book advice in recent years. Its such a personal experience... a massively insular, immersive, solitary experience. Im starting to think that sharing such an experience, even if by proxy, cheapens it for me. If i tell someone.... 'read this! its great!' and they do and say, 'ya that was nice...'. I realize i am a little too affected by other peoples opinion, but their apparent lack of similar enjoyment/revelation/appreciation/other slashed adjectives of coolness for something that moved me tends to spoil it.

The ONLY reason im lauding haruki now, keeping that last paragraph in mind, returns me to genius. He trys on genres like the rest of us try on clothes. Love stories to sci fi to Biography, politcal treatises, events, and cultural observations, its all there. Whatever your literary taste... im pretty sure he can write anything he pleases. And that pleases me. If it doesnt please you... im sorry.. but dont tell me. :P

Hrmm... i think i will go and find some lunch now, and possibly have a nap infront of the tele.




Blogger Lolabola* said...

try sitemeter to get a sitemeter of your own and find out what neurotic blog-checking readers you have and where they are reading from. Think hard before you do it... there are some things it's really better not to know.

Now I will have to finally tackle haruki even though I'm currently in the throws of Isaac Babel's complete works (thanks to Alex over at tight toy night.) and Jane Jacobs' "The Economy of Cities" and countless other started books. Seriously how much reading can a person do at once?

8:36 pm  
Blogger Marcus Dunning said...

techincally, one can only read one word at a time... so only one book at one time. starting and stopping CAN, mind you im no analyst be indicative of a fear of committment and a desire to dilute experiences to make them safer :) hee!! but hey what do i know... ive never managed to get to the end of both Demons and the bros karamazov. DAMN YOU DOSTOYEVSKI!

4:42 am  
Blogger Lolabola* said...

interesting analysis. I will have to think that over. in this case I believe it may be a fear of death. I have recently acquired a crapload of superb books from a friend whose husband died. Man did he ever have good taste! As I was going through them we realized how much fun it would be if he were there and if I could have met him. How weird it was to receive books that you know the owner never had a chance to read.

How can I possibly die before I read the 3 billion books I have always wanted to read?

5:50 am  
Blogger Marcus Dunning said...

See this is where i think someone should invent a stasis machine. You press a button... and time stops... EXCEPT for your conciousness!! so that way you can read to your hearts content and get everything you wanted done in a split second... or a series of split seconds :)

10:44 pm  

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