Gastonomic Greatness
Today was a day that any future food day will have an amazingly hard time to compete with or even play in the same league as today.
Firstly, any future food day would have to have Paj as connoisseur co-captain. Cant beat the man. He has a green tongue. No he hasnt eaten a lot of green popsicles, thats a strange newly coined term that failed to relate to green thumb. BUT i still think it works. And since this is my blog and NOT yours, i can say Green Tongue.
Our gastronomic journey commenced with River Cafe. Both Paj's workplace in the summer and his mecca of food apprenticeship. I was treated and honoured with the Tasting Menu. A rare treat. There were oysters and muscles and scallops and smoked trout and wild caught Salmon and fresh early season asparagus and pork loin and a stellar rissotto and some funky crab salad of goodness and god knows what else. Every.Single.Bite. was an experience. The whole MEAL was an experience. Having a chef put specific thought into each plate and what follows for you personally is something i have never been on the recieving end of and felt quite honored for it. Its on par with an artist making a unique painting, just for you, while you wait. Each course was served with a thoughtful wine to compliment the flavours. I truly havent ever experienced such a feast. Desert was an amazing chocolate icecream/malt with raspberry compote and a side of pecan tart. so much... goodness.
We rolled/staggered/grunted and buzzed away from the restaurant, sated, satisfied and stunned. A walk was needed to be had.
We made our way via foot and train to chinook and took in District B13. A fun action movie of little depth but great feel. True to french style. Dirty, gritty, rough and ready. No fluffy extra crap... just good camera work, good script (most of the time), and the usual save the world whether it deserves it or not drama. Sure the setting had to seriously support the plot and the action had to serve as a distraction from the lack of depth, but in all, its an action movie ppl. Its not making any claims to otherwise. The baddies cant aim and the goodies dont die. Its a tried and true formula and it was tried and worked true in this film too. Go, have fun, dont think, and try to catch the few sneaky moments of cinematic still life that pop up unexpectedly to catch you unawares.
After that we wandered aimlessly more or less. Checkin out the girlies and talkin bout life the universe and everything. I totally realize i am out of sight out of mind of my life in the archipelago but here... for now... nothing is wrong, everything is ok and life doesnt seem all that heavy and depressing. Of course paj is a balm for most ailments, and food of suberb quality helps. I just hope and will strive to bring back some of my joie de vivre that i have here to my home in the UK.
Eventually we found ourselves in kensington in search of sushi. o. my. god. did we find sushi.

Sushi Club in Kensington... the best sushi ive had in so long... cant remember the name of this one roll.. takani... tamaki... tickytockytucktuck.... mangos coconut sushi... so fucking amazing. heaven on the palate. Nice sake... amazing sushi... another great meal... such a day.
We rounded it all off with some kickass gelato (i had the callebeut chocolate and Chicita Banana, and pajman had the coconut and pistacio) sooooooo good soooo creamy. we wandered back downtown and parted at the hilton. We musta covered a good 5 miles today. easy. The dogs are barking.
Tomorrow... the lesyk and some plastic fantastic. I will be pwned. horrifically.
Firstly, any future food day would have to have Paj as connoisseur co-captain. Cant beat the man. He has a green tongue. No he hasnt eaten a lot of green popsicles, thats a strange newly coined term that failed to relate to green thumb. BUT i still think it works. And since this is my blog and NOT yours, i can say Green Tongue.
Our gastronomic journey commenced with River Cafe. Both Paj's workplace in the summer and his mecca of food apprenticeship. I was treated and honoured with the Tasting Menu. A rare treat. There were oysters and muscles and scallops and smoked trout and wild caught Salmon and fresh early season asparagus and pork loin and a stellar rissotto and some funky crab salad of goodness and god knows what else. Every.Single.Bite. was an experience. The whole MEAL was an experience. Having a chef put specific thought into each plate and what follows for you personally is something i have never been on the recieving end of and felt quite honored for it. Its on par with an artist making a unique painting, just for you, while you wait. Each course was served with a thoughtful wine to compliment the flavours. I truly havent ever experienced such a feast. Desert was an amazing chocolate icecream/malt with raspberry compote and a side of pecan tart. so much... goodness.
We rolled/staggered/grunted and buzzed away from the restaurant, sated, satisfied and stunned. A walk was needed to be had.
We made our way via foot and train to chinook and took in District B13. A fun action movie of little depth but great feel. True to french style. Dirty, gritty, rough and ready. No fluffy extra crap... just good camera work, good script (most of the time), and the usual save the world whether it deserves it or not drama. Sure the setting had to seriously support the plot and the action had to serve as a distraction from the lack of depth, but in all, its an action movie ppl. Its not making any claims to otherwise. The baddies cant aim and the goodies dont die. Its a tried and true formula and it was tried and worked true in this film too. Go, have fun, dont think, and try to catch the few sneaky moments of cinematic still life that pop up unexpectedly to catch you unawares.
After that we wandered aimlessly more or less. Checkin out the girlies and talkin bout life the universe and everything. I totally realize i am out of sight out of mind of my life in the archipelago but here... for now... nothing is wrong, everything is ok and life doesnt seem all that heavy and depressing. Of course paj is a balm for most ailments, and food of suberb quality helps. I just hope and will strive to bring back some of my joie de vivre that i have here to my home in the UK.
Eventually we found ourselves in kensington in search of sushi. o. my. god. did we find sushi.

We rounded it all off with some kickass gelato (i had the callebeut chocolate and Chicita Banana, and pajman had the coconut and pistacio) sooooooo good soooo creamy. we wandered back downtown and parted at the hilton. We musta covered a good 5 miles today. easy. The dogs are barking.
Tomorrow... the lesyk and some plastic fantastic. I will be pwned. horrifically.
spooge spooge gloryhole.
As requested.
sarcastic sonuvabitch
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