Friday, February 17, 2006

I plead the 5th

erm... well lets just say i am a combination of lazy and a bad person. Its been like 2 months since i tapped thoughts out on here... and for that failing i apologize to my reader...s. Its not that i dont love you all though :)

Lots has happened and nothing has happened since my last post... we had christmas in holland... and i was ill for most of it... and then i was ill for most of january. nothing clinical.. just snot and sneezing and coughing... this winter has been especially hard on most people i know... i think the grey skies and watery eyes have sat on the souls of people like an anti-buddha who cant have enough cake and wont share.

not sure where that mental image came from... but i like it. I picture the anti-buddha as jabba the hut but with floppy ears.

Q-tip an i have had a few rocky roads... and seem to be recovering. We have started to get out more and expand our spheres of existence just a bit further so as to avoid the baleful glare of two person life in a small flat. it seems to be working... q-tip at least has started to confide in friends.

On the negative side i once again have come to the realization that the people i hold closest to my heart are very far away and impossible to replace. Perhaps again its the time of year.

Positive side? well... got another print done... it was a valentines gift but i really liked the print. A simple monoprint on styrofoam pressed by the albion. Lovely result and simple process. An aquaintance of mine has secured a show at the local independent cinema. His work is pretty much line drawings reminiscent of Spiro-Graph from back in the day. Its lovely work... escher-esque. But lacking in substance. This made me think... damn if he can get 20 pieces up.. wtf is wrong with me? so a goal for pravo!

This summer... when the sun is high and the air is clear i will lock myself away in the print studio, surround myself with toxins and print my life away! i am looking forward to it :)

umm... o finally settled on a decent army list for the tau... and slowly but surely building a retinue for my radical inquisitor lord. hrrrrr... he is called Dr. Evil... and has 4 evil servitor henchmen in orange jumpsuits toting heavy bolters. I am still making a familiar and need a mystic model. Once done... ill have 1500 points of daemonhosting randomness of doom.

The new tau are coming soon too... not sure what ill fork the kinko out for but i reckon a skyrays a good bet. and maybe trio of Pirahna(sp)

well other than that... not a lot new... quite tired tho. wait thats not new either.

o both bry an i can play wow at the same time now... borrowed a laptop from work. not sure if thats a good thing or a bad thing.. stigmas aside.

anyways.. i think ill go make some scenery.

