Ever get to a point in your day/week/life that is entirely composed of finicky details?
This weekend proved to be one. Funny thing is i didnt even mind... infact i enjoyed. Saturday was mostly cleaning and minding a Rabbit. Dont ever buy a rabbit for a house pet. the little bastards need watching EVERY moment. So that constituted as a finicky detail. Mind you my saturday lasted quite a while because of that. Which is nice.. i hate it when a day zooms buy and you find yourself waking up monday and thinking... shit... where the fsck did my weekend go??
Sunday, i completely geeked out. I was applying decals to my shiney space marines of harsh badness. Somehow that took most of the day. and although i was sitting at my comp desk doing this... i didnt have the comp on... which was extremely weird. I think the whirring of the fan and the occasional bzzt of a hardrive is a sort of antedepressant for me. My generation was brought up by the tv but has moved on and allowed the pc to be our surrogate parent. Its constant hum filling the background and the air with microwaves... slowly and gently cooking our retinas and brains while reassuring us that the bad bad world cant hurt us when we are logged in as a lvl 19 Cleric. When youve killed a Lich Lord with a hankerin for Elf on a Stick you can pretty much delude yourself into thinking you are untouchable. Its nice when the lines between leisure and reality get fuzzy.. or are there lines? OOOOOO.
Books... as far as a decent read goes... not much since the Wind Up Bird Chronicles at Xmas. Sputnick Sweetheart (both Haruki Murakami) was before that and much better imho. But i loved both. Since then ive degerated into a sleazy scifi reading junky. Rock Rats (ben Bova) was fun but shallow and left me empty and slightly insulted. So that was a good read. Read The Timewaster Letters recently... not a deep book but insanely funny. I was crying from laughter at one point. Think of the Title and then imagine childrens drawings attached to a letter to The Liberal Democrats party suggesting new logos. Well... rereading that didnt make me think i gave you the proper gist of this book... but i snorted lukewarm tea out my nose when i read the book.
One other thing... a bonus in my mind for leaving canada and moving to this penecillin petri dish of a country was the milder winters. HAH STUPID ME! ive been colder here in my own goddamn flat than ive ever been in canada. Perhaps being a colder clime in general canada has mastered home insulation and central heating. But one would think a nation that ruled most of the world in the previous century would have made some decent inroads into the generation and efficient utilisation of heat. well if you thought that you would be wrong my friend! In the average home they still boil water and shove it through pipes to heat one corner of a room with walls stained by damp. And thats if your LUCKY. If you dont have the benefit of natural gas in your home (such as I) you get the undeniably simple 'Heat some rocks at night when electric is cheap and hope they last till next morning' system. Or more commonly known as Economy 7 Heating. Fuck me but i think the Mohawk tribe had the same goddamn system... not to mention an open fucking fire.. which i must admit sounds a damn sight better than what we have in my flat.
Ok ill admit if your flush with kinko you can get imported systems from countries that know how to provide warmth on a cold day... like finland. but most of this country is piss poor. its crazy... i really wonder how close we are to falling from 1st world nation to 2nd... if we havent already.