Its freakin freezing. Whats that i hear you say? 'prav you pussy, you're a canadian! you should be hardened to the frigid realms of frozen snot!'
well my friend let me clarify... back in the bleak brown belly of calgary you lot are technically experiencing colder temperatures. True. BUT although its a mere 1C its a WET COLD. not this dry cold that just gives frost bite. This cold... well it bites the bones... cuts through clothing and lingers like the smell on laundry that has sat in the machine for 2 days too many. The palty heat that sluggishly emanates from the radiators makes half hearted attempts to warm the skin but lacks the vigour, the doggedness, to penetrate to the core of you. Its no wonder this a nation of bath people... sitting in a hot bath is the only way to heat up your belly! The cold hangs around your hands... slowly stiffening your fingers. It lurks in dead air spots in odd places in the hallway surprising you on the way to the kitchen. It just plain fucking pisses you off.
Now i can hear you say 'Ya well prav you moved there by your own free will you loser.' True, very true, and now i must reiterate and state that my life is better for it. But if one cant bitch about the weather one can really live! Summer will rokzor tho. our new garden is the PERFECT setting for sunny bbq's, book reading and insect hunting.
But my poor Bry is sick. The cold finally claimed another victim. She has mucus oozing out of various orifices in a rather dramatic way. So i am playing nursemaid. Its not so bad though.
Today is tuesday... that means its GW night! Games workshop! the blind kid will be giving me his Necron army to paint tonight.. hopefully. On my way to makin £60! I have yet to decide on what to spend it on! Im thinking ill save it until i get my discount at the shop and buy 4 dreadnaughts. or possibly 2 naughts and 2 whirlwinds. Then i will be an assault marine unit away from my ideal army. In the end i will also probably need 2 more 'naughts. In total i will have 2 full squads of tact 2 full assualt, my chaplain, 2 whirlwinds, 4 naughts and possible a retinue for the chaplain.. apothecary, champion, and a couple of cannon fodder doods. I may also have to buy a techmarine and some servitors. But basic 1500 pts will be everything up to the 4 naughts in the above listing. That should provide me with some nice plastic madness :)
But then i also have a few other items on the wishlist. I would LOVE to upgrade the PC. I need more ram, a new Video Card, preferably a 256megger... and the AMD 3000 chip.. ya i know its gettin old but that means it will be cheaper! bsides my MOBO cant support anything higher than 3k.
Then theres the fish... the poor blighters.. had to buy a new heater for em on the weekend... the old one cracked during the move... somehow i didnt end up electrocuted... as i had my arms in the water the whole time it had shattered. They have a horrible case of algae and IMHO the tanks a little small... so i need to buy a larger tank.. thats 100+ quid... 10 algae eatin shrimp, and some Rowaphos, the stuff that kills algae.. more or less.. actually its a phosphate absorber... half the fun of fishkeeping is the chemistry. I would also love to plant the hell out of the tank but finances are too tight for that at the moment.
Not to mention how badly i NEED half life 2... man o man.. that game is sweet.. the demo was hardcore and i played a mates full copy and had wood the whole time... it gorgeous.
Been playing FarCry a bit too recently.. not bad... pretty but then with all pretty games the pretty wears thin and the gameplay starts showing itself for its sloppy seconds sort of feel.
I also really want to play with the Developers Kit for HL2... working on a project here at work to make a 3d walkthrough of the campus... if i can get the Dev Kit it will be ez as pie to make.
In the realms of art ive made progress on the etching side of things.. pajman i know you dont get it but i LOVE gettin inky... almost finished biting my first plate in the Taoist Guilt series... will prolly run a test print off today... its a slow day at work so no worries there.
Well ive blathered on enough already.. was going to make myself a monetary list of my wish i hads but i think ill just get depressed about the whole thing.