Saturday, August 07, 2004

Big Brother bother

Ok tonights the last night for the UK big bro. Its a thank fuckin god thing and a ... no its just a thank fuckin god thing. why do producers think we care about a complete collection of tossers so much that we need to watch them for 70 goddamn days. i'll admit.. if it were cool ppl.. celebs etc... then id be sad to see it go.. but hey, its not its, tossers. Yes i am a voyeur but i think of myself as a selective voyeur... ok mebbe just a perv... either way.. pretty ppl are better.

I dont care who wins.. i just care about the next timeslot they will fill when this godawful monument to waste in full technicolor is evicted from my life.

Speaking of evictions.. there is an evil evil person inside of me... and i think it resides in my girlfriend (who shall be known as either Foofynonopoopoohead or sarcastobitchqueen) as well...
you see, we have a pair of neighbors downstairs... lovely ppl.. well... ok hes cool... shes a narky cow... but you see.. now heres the part where the evil sprite rears its ugly mug... they have a nicer/bigger apartment than we do. AND we have loads of evidence that, if applied maliciously would make bigbro real. MWAHAHAH! to top it off the land lady has promised us their flat if they scarper.

i would love to quote douglas adams and say 'my doctor told me i have a underdeveloped 'be good to common man' gland and a moral fibre deficiency.' but unfortunately i dont. damnit. i blame my parents. its easier that way. yes im lazy.

subclause 4b paragraph VII of the girlfriend boyfriend cooperative manifesto states that it is at this juncture that i say something lovely and wonderful about my girlfriend... ok here it goes,

she makes good pizza.

ok thats done... stupid manifesto... when the revolution comes the manifestoians will be the first against the friggin wall.

i will end now with a quote from my favorite of authors,

'I am a sick man ... I am a wicked man'


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